Professions 18180 Jobs
Building construction labourers 2.221 jobs
Cooks 2.075 jobs
Kitchen helpers 774 jobs
Freight handlers 727 jobs
Shop sales assistants 678 jobs
Lifting truck operators 586 jobs
Beauticians and related workers 512 jobs
Heavy truck and lorry drivers 494 jobs
Assemblers not elsewhere classified 480 jobs
Waiters 461 jobs
Car, taxi and van drivers 397 jobs
General office clerks 343 jobs
Security guards 236 jobs
Toolmakers and related workers 235 jobs
Bricklayers and related workers 216 jobs
Food service counter attendants 199 jobs
Welders and flame cutters 193 jobs
Mechanical machinery assemblers 187 jobs
Fast food preparers 170 jobs
Hand packers 118 jobs
Livestock and dairy producers 115 jobs
Plastic products machine operators 112 jobs
Commercial sales representatives 108 jobs
Mechanical engineering technicians 100 jobs
Metal processing plant operators 85 jobs
Health care assistants 85 jobs
Civil engineering technicians 82 jobs
Civil engineering labourers 76 jobs
Bartenders 75 jobs
Electrical mechanics and fitters 72 jobs
Hairdressers 72 jobs
Shelf fillers 71 jobs
Vocational education teachers 70 jobs
Odd job persons 66 jobs
Forestry labourers 64 jobs
Hotel receptionists 64 jobs
Nursing associate professionals 62 jobs
Manufacturing supervisors 59 jobs
Teachers' aides 58 jobs
Bus and tram drivers 52 jobs
Crop farm labourers 51 jobs
Home-based personal care workers 51 jobs
Receptionists (general) 49 jobs
Spray painters and varnishers 47 jobs
Software developers 47 jobs
Building caretakers 43 jobs
Sheet metal workers 41 jobs
Stock clerks 41 jobs
Transport clerks 39 jobs
Shop supervisors 38 jobs
Secondary education teachers 36 jobs
Carpenters and joiners 35 jobs
Other language teachers 35 jobs
Domestic cleaners and helpers 31 jobs
Agricultural technicians 31 jobs
Forestry and related workers 29 jobs
Service station attendants 29 jobs
Medical assistants 29 jobs
Assemblers 28 jobs
Field crop and vegetable growers 28 jobs